Brighton Gardens of Stamford, CT offers their residents seasoned experience in all levels of assisted living care. Their community is on the cutting-edge of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease care. They offer three resident nurses seven days a week and twenty-four hour LPN nursing support. Additionally, they offer services through Health Pro Physical Therapy, Specialized LSVT Therapy, and LSVT Lour Therapy for Parkinson’s. Their residents benefit from the warm, friendly staff, and enjoy delicious food prepared by the head of cuisine, who trained in Paris and was previously head chef at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York!
How long has your community been a member of CALA? The Brighton Gardens of Stamford community has been a member for more than 10 years.
Why did your community join? CALA’s mission is “to enhance the quality of life of those it serves” which is very much aligned with Sunrise’s mission to “champion quality of life for all seniors.” Sunrise believes in being an active leader in the senior living industry and being a part of CALA gives us that opportunity.
Favorite part about being a member? Brighton Gardens of Stamford team members greatly benefit from the informative conferences CALA hosts. CALA keep us abreast of industry changes, state regulations, and training opportunities that not only affect our community, but our industry as a whole. The information we receive at these conferences helps us remain in compliance with changing regulations and keeps us at the forefront of the industry.
What impact does your CALA membership have on your community’s reputation? Our CALA membership has a strong impact on how our community is viewed. Our potential residents and families are more tech savvy than ever and are able to diligently research the best senior living options for their situations. CALA is a trusted source for information that these residents and families will look to so being listed on CALA’s website as a trusted provider increases the public’s awareness of our community but shows them our commitment to providing high-quality care. Being a part of such a reputable organization only helps to build a stronger reputation in the community and across the industry.
Do you attend CALA events? If so, which events and why? Our team continues to benefit from many CALA events over the years. In fact, we’ve sent every new SALSA we’ve had to CALA’s SALSA training conference. This training has been an essential tool and learning experience for our team members who are new to working in assisted living in CT. Our community also enjoys the employee and resident recognition events. It is really special to have a platform for our residents and team members to be recognized for their contributions to the community and industry. Our team values the state-wide community these events create.
What benefits of your CALA membership do you find most valuable? In addition to the conference in events, our team members value the networking opportunities with other members as well at the educational offerings and the legislative updates CALA provides.
What would you say to other communities who are considering joining CALA to entice them to join? What are you waiting for? If you’re an assisted living provider in CT you need to join TODAY! The benefit of joining is immeasurable.
If your community is interested in joining CALA, please visit our website here.