Public Policy & Advocacy
A Defining Feature of CALA
On an annualized as well as a day-to-day basis, a defining feature of CALA membership is found with CALA’s public policy and advocacy efforts. As CALA members will note, CALA maintains localized, long-standing relationships with both state agency and legislative officials connected in some way with oversight of senior housing and service providers. CALA is pleased to serve members with the highest level of member value as it relates to advocacy and each CALA member program presented during the year.

CALA Legislative Updates
- As is the case each year, CALA diligently monitors, and offers comment where appropriate, regarding many legislative proposals raised in either the state house of representatives or the state senate.
- Each year approximately 5,000 bills are raised by the Connecticut General Assembly. During the 2019 legislative session, CALA followed closely in excess of 250 separate legislative proposals.
- Twice monthly detailed updates are provided to members while legislators are in session and testimony is provided to legislative committees of cognizance as coordinated with CALA leadership and CALA’s Government Relations Consultant, Gaffney Bennett & Associates.
100 Halls Road, P.O. Box 483, Old Lyme, CT 06371
Phone: 860-434-5760. FAX: 860-434-5790